Assign Mitigating Actions


This activity is used to define actions on a particular risk analysis record. Actions describe what has to be done to handle the risk, by whom and by when. The purpose of this activity is to assign and track tasks against individuals.


A response record must exist for the risk analysis in mind.

System Effects



Risk Actions
Risk Action
Risk Analysis Navigator

Related Window Descriptions

Risk Actions
Risk Action
Risk Analysis Navigator/Action List


Use the following procedure to define mitigating actions on a particular risk record:

  1. Open the Risk Analysis Navigator window and click on the Action List tab, or open the Risk Actions or the Risk Action windows. Note: If you use the Action List tab on the Risk Analysis Navigator window, navigate to and select the response node a selected risk analysis to add an action.
  2. Click New (F5) to create a new record. A risk action is created with Status New. 
  3. In the Response ID field, use the List of Values to select a response record that you want to connect the action to. Note: If you use the Action List tab on the Risk Analysis Navigator window, this field will not be displayed on this tab.
  4. In the Action Description field, enter a description that explains the possible response that can be taken.
  5. In the Action Assigned field, use the List of Values to select a person to whom the action should be assigned.
  6. In the Action Date field, enter the date by which the action should be completed.
  7. For the Action Status field, select the status that you want to assign to the particular action record.
  8. In the Action Note field, enter any notes that you want to add about the action.
  9. Click Save.