Posting Proposal/Lines and Posting Info

[To Enter and Post Supplier Invoice]


This tab consists of section with Invoice Lines Information followed by a section with Posting Information. By dragging the split bar between Lines Information and Posting Information, you can adjust the size of these areas to suit your requirements.

You can also view information about all the actions performed by users related to a posting proposal by right-clicking and then selecting History Log. The log will display information relating to changes made to invoice headers, invoice lines, invoice postings and authorizers connected to the posting proposal.

You can view any documents attached to an invoice by right-clicking on the window, and then clicking View Connected Document. (i.e. the invoice image)

Activity Diagrams

Manage Posting Proposal
Authorize Posting Proposal
Final Posting of Posting Proposal


Modify Posting Proposal
Manual Postings / Correcting Posting Proposal