Prices Including Tax
IFS Applications are built to handle B2B collaborations. In most countries
taxes are levied on the price charged to the end consumer. This means that
prices before tax are used in trade between companies. Anyhow, some countries do
not follow this concept but trade B2B with prices including tax.
This functionality provides the possibility to enter and view prices both
including & excluding tax. Both price fields are open for entry. Be aware that
only the price excluding tax is saved in the database. The price including tax
is only calculated on the screen. Due to this, rounding differences might occur
in the price including tax calculation.
Prices including tax are calculated “forwards” from price excluding tax by
applying the tax percentage(s). You may also enter a price including tax, and
the system will recalculate “backwards” the price excluding tax via the given
tax percentage(s).
General “Price incl of Tax” formula
The general formula for the Price incl. Tax is Price * ((sum tax % / 100)
+1). This will affect Customer Order and Sales Quotation Lines when you know the
Currency: SEK
General Consumption VAT: 25%
Specific Customer added Surcharge VAT: 2%
Price excl. Tax (VAT): 100 SEK
Price incl. Tax (VAT): 127 SEK = 100 * (((25 / 100) + (2 / 100)) +1)
Dependencies - General
- Company/Address/Tax Code – Used for US Sales Tax and Mixed
Tax regimes.
- Company/Invoice/Tax Information – Sets Tax regime type for
the company in general.
Dependencies - Customer Order
Sales Part
- On the sales part the parameter ”Taxable” is defined. If it is set to
true, taxes will be calculated for the part.
- Tax code: when working in a VAT or mixed tax regime, a tax code must be
defined when the part is taxable. This will indicate the tax percentage that
shall be applied to the sales part.
- If a Tax class is specified for the part, the Price Incl. Tax cannot be
calculated. Instead the value from the Price field will be displayed also in
the Price Incl. Tax field.
Price Lists
- On a price list, you can connect sales parts which belong to different
sites, and those sites do not need to be connected to the same company.
Therefore, on a price list you could find sales parts that belong to
companies with different tax codes and tax regimes. This means that a
mixture of Sales Parts regardless of Tax regime can be included in a Price
- On the customer you decide whether taxes shall be applied or not. This
is done by defining the tax liability on the customer’s address. This will
be be reflected later on, on a e.g. customer order in the Pay Tax check box.
- When working in a Sales or Mixed tax regime, the sales tax codes are
also defined per customer address.
Customer Order Line
- When the Pay Tax check box is selected, taxes are calculated if the
sales part is taxable. This flag is fetched as a default value from the
Customer Order header. It can manually be selected or cleared.
Dependencies - Procurement
- When working in a sales tax regime, you define on the site’s address
whether it is taxable or not and if so, the applicable sales tax codes for a
ship-to scenario.
- On the supplier’s invoice window, the tax liability is defined. Observe
that if the IFS/Invoice module is not installed, a separate Pay Tax check box on
the supplier’s purchasing data will be used instead.
- On the Supplier/Address/Tax Information tab: tax
codes are defined for the ship-from scenario in a sales tax regime.
Purchase Part
- The part taxability is defined. A purchase part can be taxable or not.
If not taxable, no taxes will be calculated.
Supplier for Purchase Part
- When working in a VAT tax regime, since tax codes can differ between
products there is a tax code on the Supplier for Purchase Part.
Purchase Order Line
- When the Pay Tax check box is selected and the part is taxable, taxes
are calculated. This flag is fetched as a default value from the purchase
order header. It can be manually selected or cleared.
Supplier Agreement / Part Step Pricing
- Supplier Agreements are connected to an Owning Site, but they
can be a group agreement, meaning that they shall apply to many different
sites. There is no limitation on whether those sites belong to the same
company or not.
- This implies that purchase parts that belong to different sites with
different tax regime can be included in the same agreement. The price
including tax functionality will only work when the price is valid for just
one site.