Create Corrective Inter-Site Price Postings


This activity can be used to adjust internal revenues generated by the delivery of a customer order line to a demand site that belongs to the same company as the supplying site.

A reason for adjusting the internal revenues could be that the sales price used when delivering the customer order line was incorrect. The inter-site price posting that was generated automatically at delivery will be adjusted using the correct weighted average price per inventory unit. The difference between the weighted average price posted earlier and the correct weighted average price will be the price difference that should be posted. If the quantity for which you want to correct the price equals the total delivered quantity, the correct weighted average price entered last will be the internal price for which the supply site and the demand site have got internal revenue postings for.

A further reason for needing to adjust the internal revenue could be that the parts have been returned on a return material authorization. Parts could be returned for different reasons. Regardless of the return reason, there could be a need to adjust the internal revenue generated when the customer order line was originally delivered. The returned quantity is usually the quantity for which we correct the price. The correct internal price for the returned parts usually depends on the return reason and has to be agreed upon by both supply and demand site.

Corrective inter-site price postings can be created as many times as needed. All deliveries and earlier corrective inter-site price postings will be considered when calculating the weighted average price posted earlier.


System Effects

As a result of this activity:


Customer Order
Return Material Authorization

Related Window Descriptions

Customer Order
Return Material Authorization

Create Corrective Inter-Site Price Postings


To create corrective inter-site price postings for a partially delivered, delivered on invoiced/closed customer order line:

  1. In the Customer Order window query for the appropriate customer order.
  2. Select the customer order line for which you want to correct the inter-site price postings.
  3. Right-click in the lower part of the window, and then click Create Corrective Inter-site Price Postings

To create corrective inter-site price postings for a credit approved return material authorization line:

  1. In the Return Material Authorization window query for the appropriate return material authorization.
  2. Select the return material authorization line for which you want to correct the inter-site price postings.
  3. Right click in the lower part of the window, and then click Create Corrective Inter-site Price Postings.