Enter Approver for Customer Schedules


Use this activity to enter an approver for customer schedules. This is a mandatory task for using customer schedules.

An approver is a user who can change the status of all customer schedule agreements connected to this approver from Reconciled or Tolerance Checked to Approved. Approval is done after reconciliation and before the schedule has been released. An approver must be connected to at least one user.


The user ID must be valid in the system in order to be entered and connected to the approver.

System Effects

As a result of this activity:


Customer Schedule Basic Data

Related Window Descriptions

Customer Schedule Basic Data/Approver


  1. Open the Customer Schedule Basic Data window.
  2. Click the Approver tab.
  3. Create a new record.
  4. In the Approver ID field, enter up to three alphanumeric characters for the ID.
  5. In the Name field, enter the description.
  6. Optionally, select the Blocked for Use check box to block the approver from further use.
  7. Create a new row in the table.
  8. In the User ID field, select the user you wish to connect to the approver from the List of Values.
  9. Save the changes.