Enter Complementary Part Data


Use this optional activity to create links between parts that could be logically used together, in order to help you increase sales of these associated parts. When you receive an order for one part (parent part), the linked complimentary parts can be automatically viewed and suggested to the customer to include on the order. For example, if your main product is paint, then complimentary products, such as paint brushes and paint thinner, could be suggested to the customer. If you sell computer monitors and printers, complimentary parts could include cables and printer supplies.

The linked complimentary parts will be listed in a separate window, which will be displayed when you save a customer order line containing the parent part. Note that this functionality can be turned off, so even if you have complementary parts connected to parent parts, they will not be displayed. To turn the complementary parts functionality on and off, in the Customer Order/Order Lines tab, right-click, then click Properties. Click the Customer Order tab, then select or clear the Complementary Parts check box.


This activity has the following prerequisites:

System Effects

As a result of this activity:


Complementary Parts Base Data
Sales Part
Non-Inventory Sales Part
Package Part
Sales Parts

Related Window Descriptions

Complementary Parts Base Data
Sales Part
Sales Part/General
Sales Part/Characteristics
Sales Part/Freight Information
Sales Parts
Non-Inventory Sales Part
Non-Inventory Sales Part/General
Non-Inventory Sales Part/Characteristics
Package Part
Package Part/General
Package Part/Package Components
Package Part/Characteristics
Package Part/Freight Information


  1. Open the Complementary Parts Base Data window. This can be opened directly from the Navigator, or from any of the sales parts windows, by right-clicking, then clicking Complimentary Parts.
  2. Select New. The default site is automatically indicated in the site column. You can change site by entering the short code or by using the List of Values.
  3. Enter a parent part by entering the short code or by using the List of Values. The part description will display automatically.
  4. Connect a complimentary part by entering the short code or by using the List of Values in the Complimentary Part field. The part description will display automatically.
  5. Save the record.