Enter Pack Size Price List Charges


This activity is used to enter charges for different input UoMs (Unit of Measures) connected to the pack size charge price list. You can specify a charge cost and a charge amount or a charge percentage to each input UoM. The entered charges will be valid for a single unit. A charge can be defined as a positive (+) or as a negative (-) value. However the charge cost must be entered as zero for all minus charges.


This activity has the following prerequisites:

System Effects


Pack Size Charge Price List

Related Window Descriptions

Pack Size Charge Price List
Pack Size Charge Price List/Charges


  1. Open the Pack Size Charge Price List window and query for the required pack size charge price list.
  2. Click the Charges tab and then click New.
  3. Enter manually or select from the List of Values an input UoM group.
  4. Select an input UoM belonging to the selected input UoM group.
  5. Enter a required charge cost.  
  6. Enter an appropriate charge amount or a charge percentage.
  7. Repeat steps 2-6 to enter charges for required input UoMs.
  8. Save when completed.