Enter Replacement Part for a Sales Part


In this tab window, you can connect a replacement part to the current sales part. When a new order line is created, the system checks to determine whether the specified sales part has been superseded by another part. If a replacement part has been defined with a date of replacement earlier or equal to the date the order line is created, the part on the order line is automatically replaced with the replacement part. An information message is displayed, and the sales part number of the originally requested part is stored in the Original Sales Part No column on the order line. It is only possible to define one replacement part for each superseded part.

A package part can only be replaced by another package part. Inventory sales parts and non-inventory sales parts can be replaced by each other.


System Effects

The sales part will be superseded by the replacement part at the defined date when entering a customer order.


Sales Part
Non-Inventory Sales Part
Package Part

Related Window Descriptions

Sales Part/Misc Part Info
Non-Inventory Sales Part/Misc Part Info
Package Part/Misc Part Info


  1. Open and then populate either Sales Part, Non-Inventory Sales Part or Package Part. Choose the sales part for which you want to enter a replacement part.
  2. Open the Misc Part Info tab.
  3. Enter a replacement part in the Replacement Part No field. The Description field is automatically filled in by the system.
  4. Enter the date the replacement part will supersede the original part in the Date of Replacement field. This field is mandatory if a replacement part has been entered.
  5. Save.