Enter Customer Order Line


Use this activity to enter a customer order line. A customer order is built in two levels, consisting of an order header and one or more order lines. The first step in a new entry is to enter the customer order header, and the second step is to enter customer order lines.

The Order Lines tab is used to specify the parts and quantities that the customer has ordered. For each order line, you can also specify the wanted and planned delivery dates, prices, or discounts.

When a new order line is created, the system checks to determine whether the specified sales part has been superseded by another part. If a replacement part has been defined with a date of replacement earlier or equal to the date the order line is created, the part on the order line is automatically replaced with the replacement part. A message appears, and the sales part number of the originally requested part is stored in the Original Sales Part No field on the order line.

Sales part number can be entered by using GTIN. To enter GTIN 14 for package, you must use the Input Quantity column instead of the Sales Quantity column.

If you enter an order line with a part that is not available, a message appears. If the availability check says that the entire quantity cannot be delivered, you will receive a message. If a prioritized order type is used and the quantity cannot be reserved, a message is displayed. By right-clicking the order line, you can open the Substitute Sales Part dialog box and choose a substitute part.

If the customer order is being created for a Jinsui enabled customer, and a Jinsui invoice needs to be created, the total line amount must not exceed the maximum amount for the Jinsui Invoice defined for the company.

The package part feature is designed for whole discrete quantities. A package part, or kit, should be ordered as a whole unit, and consists of components with or without decimal quantities. When invoicing a complete package, ordering in whole units, the price will be displayed for the complete package. On the invoice, the components included in the package will be listed with their respective quantity for informational purposes. The component listing lets the customer know what the package consists of. The same applies to the Delivery Note.

When a customer order line is entered and the price is retrieved from a customer agreement, the Provisional Price check box value is also inherited from the customer agreement. If this check box is selected, the price on the customer order line is temporary and will be updated later. You cannot create invoices for the customer order lines that have the Provisional Price check box selected. You must also note, you cannot select both the Price Freeze check box and the Provisional Price check box at the same time. When making changes to the order line, you must note that the Provisional Price check box can be selected only if the line is not invoiced partially or completely.

Changes in the wanted delivery date after the initial order line entry should result in an automatic update of the price effective date when the pricing method is Delivery Date. The Update Price Effective Date Automatically check box is selected as well. When you update the wanted delivery date on the customer order line or when you update the wanted delivery dates on all lines from a customer order header, a warning message appears where you can confirm whether or not you want to update the price effective date of all order lines. The price effective date on the order line is then updated and according to the price sources on the order line prices, discounts are updated.

When a customer order line is entered for a sales part that is catch unit enabled, the final price is calculated based on the delivery of the order line. Until the order line has been delivered, the price displayed is a preliminary price based on the conversion factor between the price unit of measure and the sales unit of measure, as set up on the sales part. 

A new order line acquires the Released status. The status of the order header does not change; it is still in Planned status. To view or edit delivery information for the order line, right-click the order line, click Order Line Details, and then click Order Line Address.

In order to use the DOP flow, you must use a DOP part when creating a customer order line. If you want to modify an existing order line with manually pegged supplies connected to it, sometimes you have to remove or modify the pegging first. If you want to reduce the sales quantity, change the planned due date, the supply code, the condition code, the ownership, or the owner, you have to remove or modify the pegging first. Increasing the quantity is possible but you will be notified that the pegged quantity does not fulfill the demand.

When selecting the supply code, it is important to keep in mind whether the parts are to be issued from project inventory or standard inventory. A project in IFS/Project can own its project inventory, ensuring that material acquired to this project cannot be issued to fulfill other demands, either from another project or from non-project related demands. Inventory parts that are not owned by a project, belong to standard inventory. If the customer order line is project-connected, it will be possible for you to get the parts from project inventory or standard inventory, i.e., you can choose the Project Inventory or Inventory Order supply code respectively (provided the parts are available in inventory). If the line is not project connected, you can only get the parts from standard inventory. If you are dealing with non-inventory parts, you can choose the Project or the Non-Inventory supply code to indicate whether it is a non-inventory part belonging to a project.

Note that if you want to connect the customer order line to a project activity, you should not choose the Pkg supply code as the package parts are not supported within project inventory.

When selecting the Production Schedule supply code, it is important to keep in mind that the sales part must be defined as an inventory part which can be purchased or manufactured. The part must exist as a production line part on at least one production line, on a site with a positive schedule percentage. DOP parts and configured parts cannot use this supply code and it is not possible to run a Capability Check with this supply code. Manual sourcing cannot be performed on such parts.

When values in a customer order line have been changed and the changes need to be replicated to the DOP header, the Replicate Changes dialog box will be opened. However, the Send Change Request check box will have no effect and even if it is selected, it will not apply to DOP. 

When the date and sales quantity in a customer order line is changed, the following scenarios need to be considered:

When the sales quantity in a customer order line is changed, but not replicated in the DOP header, the following scenarios need to be considered:

However, DOP headers with the Closed or Canceled status, and DOP orders with the Removed or Closed status will not be considered.

The following delimitations exist if an order requires delivery confirmation:

The following delimitations exist if the Apply Cost of Goods Sold value is set to At Delivery Confirmation:


This activity has the following general prerequisites:

For the superseded parts function:

For warranties:

For the substitute sales parts function:

System Effects

As a result of this activity:


Customer Order

Related Window Descriptions

Customer Order
Customer Order/Order Lines
Substitute Sales Part
Input UoM Parameters


To enter a new order line, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Customer Order window, and click the Order Lines tab.
  2. Create a new record.
  3. Enter the sales part number, service part number, or package part number directly in the Sales Part No field or search for it by using the List of Values. If the part you want to enter belongs to an assortment, you can also look up its number by selecting the line, right-clicking and then clicking Parts by Assortment and Site Cluster. In addition, you can enter the customer's part number in the Customer Part No field if a cross-reference is established between your sales part number and the customer's part number. The description of the part is then displayed in the Description field including the sales unit, price unit, and possible discounts.

Note: Instead of the sales part number, you can enter GTIN or select it from List of values.

  1. Enter the quantity of ordered parts. You can enter this quantity in the sales unit of measure in the Sales Quantity field. The price per unit and the total price for the order line appear automatically.

    Note: If the Input UoM Group check box on the line is selected, then it is possible for you to enter quantities of the sales part in input units and not the sales unit of measure. 
    You can select an input UoM from the Input UoM list. Enter the parameters either in the Input Qty field or right-click and click Input UoM Parameters and use the opening Input UoM Parameters window. If a default UoM has been defined for the input UoM group, it will be the default value in the customer order line. 
  2. You can save the customer order line at this time if you do not want to add or change any other values.

To select a substitute part:

  1. To select a substitute part, for example, if you entered an order line with a part that is unavailable, right-click on the order line and then click Substitute Sales Part. The Substitute Sales Part window opens. The upper part of the window displays information for the originally requested sales part, and the lower part of the window displays information for all the substitute parts connected to the selected part.
  2. Enter the quantity for the desired replacement part(s) in the Sales Qty field in the lower part of the Substitute Sales Part window. You can choose to order the available quantity or some of the original sales parts and some of the substitute parts.
  3. To give the same price as the original part, adjust the price on the substitute sales part.
  4. Click OK. The original order line is removed and new order lines for the replacement parts are created.

To enter other details:

To change the date of a customer order line:

  1. Open the Customer Order window and click the Order Lines tab.
  2. Query for the order number.
  3. Change the value in the Planned Ship Date field.
  4. Save the changes. 
    The Replicate Changes dialog box opens.
  1. If you click Yes in the Replicate Changes dialog box, then the date change in the CO line will be replicated to its DOP header. An alarm will be generated for the date mismatch between the DOP header and its corresponding DOP order.
    Note: If the status of the DOP header is either Canceled  or Closed, then a message will appear.
  2. If you click No, then only the date in the CO line will be changed.
  1. If you click Yes in the Replicate Changes dialog box, a message will appear informing you that more than one DOP header is connected to the CO line and that the date change in the CO line cannot be replicated. If you click OK, it will change the date only on the CO line (except for the DOP headers with the Canceled or Closed status).
  2. If you click No, it will change the date on the CO line, and an alarm will be generated.

To change the quantity of a customer order line:

  1. Open the Customer Order window and click the Order Lines tab.
  2. Query for the order number.
  3. Change the value in the Sales Qty field.
  4. Save the changes. The Replicate Changes dialog box opens.
  1. If you click Yes in the Replicate Changes dialog box, the quantity changed on the CO line will be replicated to the DOP header. An alarm will be generated for the quantity mismatch in the DOP header from its corresponding DOP order.
  2. If you click No, then an alarm will be generated for the quantity mismatch between the DOP header and its pegged CO line.
  1. If you select Yes in the Replicate Changes dialog box, then the Modify DOP Header Quantity dialog box will open. You have the option of distributing the quantity changed, among the DOP headers that are presented in the dialog box.
    For example, if the original sales quantity on the CO line is 6, which is connected to three different DOP headers (e.g., 10001, 20002, and 30001), and you change the quantity to 9, you can distribute the quantity change among the DOP header IDs mentioned above, by specifying the new quantity demand in the New Qty Demand field.
  2. Click OK. Alarms will be generated for the quantity mismatch between DOP headers and their corresponding DOP orders. However, if you decide not to distribute all of the remaining quantity, then an alarm will be generated for one of the DOP headers.
  3. If the sales quantity on the CO line has been decreased, e.g., if the sales quantity on the CO line has been decreased from 6 to 3, and if you decide to decrease the quantity in each DOP header by 1, there will be a quantity mismatch of 1. An alarm will be created for the excess quantity, and the DOP header 30001 will get the alarm.
    Note: When more than one DOP header is connected to a CO line, their status will be considered in ascending order, as the first criteria for alarm generation. Then the due date in descending order and the DOP header ID in descending order will be considered as the second and third criteria respectively.
    However, if the quantity changed results in a negative value, then a message will appear.
  4. If you click No, an alarm will be generated on the DOP header with the lowest status.
  1. If you click Yes in the Replicate Changes dialog box, a message will appear informing you that there is more than one CO line connected to the DOP header. When you click OK, it will only change the quantity on the CO line. An alarm will be generated due to the quantity mismatch.
  2. If you click No, only the quantity on the CO line only will be changed, and an alarm will be generated.

Sales quantity is changed, but no replication to DOP header:

  1. Click No in the Replicate Changes dialog box.
    However, even if you decide not to replicate the changes, the Pegged Qty field needs to be updated sometimes. For instance, if the new sales quantity is less than the current value in the Pegged Qty field, then the pegged quantity should be updated.
    Note: If the new sales quantity is higher than the current pegged quantity, it will result in an alarm. The source of the alarm will be the customer order demand.
    If the new sales quantity is less than the pegged quantity, then the source of the resulting alarm will be the customer order supply.
  1. Click No in the Replicate Changes dialog box.
    Note: To create an alarm, the CO line in the ascending order, the due date in the descending order, and finally the DOP header ID in the descending order will be considered as the first, second, and third criteria respectively.