Enter Pricing Details for Configuration


When a configured part is sold to a customer you can enter pricing rules and pricing information to define a sales price for the part. The price of a configured sales part consists of up to three components: (1) the sales part base price, i.e., the price of the unconfigured part, (2) the economic value of the characteristics connected to the sales part, and (3) the economic value of any applicable option connected to the characteristics. You can enter separate prices for all characteristics, and for all options belonging to them. You do not, however, have to enter prices for all varieties, only for the ones where the sales price should differ from the price indicated in the Sales Part/General window.


System Effects

Pricing rules and pricing information are established for the configured sales part.


Sales Part
Non-Inventory Sales Part

Related Window Descriptions

Sales Part
Sales Part/Configuration Base Pricing
Non-Inventory Sales Part
Non-Inventory Sales Part/Configuration Base Pricing


  1. Open the Configuration Base Pricing tab and create a new record in the upper part of the window.
  2. Enter the revision for which the pricing rules should be valid.
  3. Select the characteristic ID, for which the sales price should differ from the price indicated in the Sales Part/General window, by using the List of Values. Note that you can only view and select characteristics that are valid for the entered revision.
    Enter additional values on the line as required.
  4. Save and select the characteristic ID line.
  5. Create a new record in the lower part of the window.
  6. Select the option value ID, for which the sales price should differ from the price of the characteristic ID in the table above, by using the List of Values.
  7. Enter additional values on the line as required.
  8. Repeat steps 8 - 10 for each option value to be added.
  9. Save.
  10. Repeat steps 3 - 11 for every additional characteristic to be entered.