Copy Rebate Agreement


This activity is used to copy an existing rebate agreement with all its receivers and lines.


This activity has the following prerequisite.

System Effects


 Rebate Agreement

Related Window Descriptions

Rebate Agreement
Rebate Agreement/General  


  1. Open the Rebate Agreement window and query for the required rebate agreement.
  2. Right-click on the header and then click Copy Agreement and the Copy Rebate Agreement dialog box will open.
  3. Under Copy From, the agreement ID you selected will be the default agreement ID but if required it can be changed using the List of Values. 
  4. Specify the required valid-from date.
  5. In the Copied To area enter a value for agreement ID, an appropriate description and a valid-from date.
  6. The agreement currency, by default, will be retrieved from the copying-from rebate agreement. However it can be changed using the List of Values.
  7. Select the company from the List of Values. 
  8. If document text and notes should also be copied, you can select Copy Document Text and Copy Notes check boxes.
  9. Click OK.