Edit Pricing


Use this activity to edit or analyze the prices for configured sales parts. This is also where you finally decide the sales price. After the customer order is released, the only change that can be done to the sales part's configuration, is to edit its price through this activity. i.e., Configuration characteristics are not editable. This is also where you finally decide the sales price.


This activity has the following prerequisites:

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the price of the configured sales part on the customer order line is changed. However, in cases where the Price Freeze check box found on the customer order line has been selected, these changes are not reflected on the customer order line. 


Customer Order

Related Window Descriptions

Create, Edit, View Configuration
Customer Order/Order Lines
Customer Order Lines
Package Structure

Procedure from Configuration window

1. From the Configuration window, right-click and use Pricing Info. The Config Characteristic Prices window opens, displays the list of the configuration characteristics and the prices for the characteristics and the options.
2. Select the characteristic or option for which you want to change the price and do the changes.
3. Save the changes; now you can view the new pricing information in the Edit Pricing window.

Procedure from Customer Order

1. From the window in which the configurable part is displayed, right-click and go to Configuration and click Edit Pricing. The Edit Pricing window opens and on top of that Config Characteristic Prices window opens.
2. Select the characteristic or option for which you want to change the price and do the changes.
3. Save the changes; now you can view the new pricing information in the Edit Pricing window.