Enter Win and Lose Reasons


In the Sales Quotation Basic Data/Win and Lose Reasons tab you enter a list of reasons for winning or losing a quotation. These are used when a quotation is closed and a win or lose reason, which is mandatory, must be entered in the Quotation Lost dialog.


System Effects

As a result of this activity, a win or lose reason is defined. The reason will be one of the options you can access by using the List of Values in the Quotation Lost dialog window.


Sales Quotation Basic Data

Related Window Descriptions

Sales Quotation Basic Data
Sales Quotation Basic Data/Win and Lose Reasons


  1. Select the Sales Quotation Basic Data/Win and Lose Reasons tab.
  2. Enter the code for the reason in the Reason ID column.
  3. Enter a description of the reason in the Reason Description column.
  4. Enter the type of reason, Win or Lose, in the Reason Type column.
  5. Save when completed.