Update Base Prices


Use this activity to update base prices for sales parts. When prices are changed, the base prices must be updated. You can either update the base prices manually in the Sales Part Base Prices window or update several base prices in the Update Base Prices dialog box.

When you update the base price manually, it is possible to change the baseline price, the percentage offset, the amount offset, the price break template etc.

When you update several base prices, the base price is changed by updating the baseline prices, the percentage offsets and the amount offsets.

There are three methods for updating the baseline prices:

There are four methods for updating the percentage offset and the amount offset:

You can update baseline prices, percentage offsets and amount offsets for a selection of sales parts and/or base price sites and/or price groups. You can also select whether the update should be done for base prices based on costing, manual, or costing and manual.


This activity has the following prerequisites:

System Effects

As a result of this activity:


Sales Part Base Prices
Update Base Prices

Related Window Descriptions

Sales Part Base Prices
Update Base Prices


To update several records:

  1. Open the Update Base Prices window. Alternatively, you can populate or query for base prices in the Sales Part Base Price window, right-click and then click Update Base Prices.
  2. Filter the update of base prices by selecting one of the options: Costing Pricing, Manual Pricing, or Manual and Costing Pricing. The first option updates records originating from costing, the second option updates records with manual origin and the last option updates records with manual origin as well as costing origin.
  3. Select whether the job should run online or as a batch job by selecting either the Online or the Run in Background option.
  4. Select one of the options for updating the baseline prices: No Update of Baseline Prices, With Price From Costing or By Percentage. If the last one is chosen, enter the percentage to be applied to the baseline prices.
  5. Select one of the options for updating the percentage and amount offset of the base price: No Update of Offset, Add to Offset, Adjust Offset or Replace Offset. If either of the last two options are chosen, a percentage and amount offset can be entered.
  6. Enter the percentage and amount offset. Depending on which adjustment type you have chosen, the entered offsets are added to current offsets, a percentage adjustment is made to current offsets or current offsets are replaced.
  7. Specify the sales part base prices that will be updated. You can specify for which sales parts, base price sites, or sales price groups the base prices will be updated. Enter the short code or use the List of Values to enter the specific sales parts, base price sites, and price groups. Enter '%' to update all baseline prices.
  8. Click OK to update the prices.

To update a single record:

  1. Open the Sales Part Base Prices window.
  2. Search for the base price that you want to update.
  3. If required, update the Origin from Costing field, the Cost Set field, the Baseline Price field, the Percentage Offset field, the Amount Offset field, the Base Price field, the Base Price incl Tax field and/or the Price Break Template field.
  4. Save the record.