Use this window to define one or more broadcasts for a company. The broadcast will contain information on how the Scheduling Engine is to return plans to IFS Applications, and how the scheduling engine services and client will interface with IFS Applications.
For each broadcast, you can set up the minimum plan quality at which the plan should be returned, the type of broadcast to be used when transferring data, the type of plan that is to be generated, the maximum wait time and the maximum frequency at which the plan should be returned. Furthermore, parameters need to be defined per broadcast based on the broadcast type used. If the File broadcast type is used, the output path for File messages must be defined. If the Webservice broadcast type is used, the name and password of the user who is allowed to access the 360 Scheduling Interface and the name and address of the web service that is to be accessed must be defined. When the broadcast is activated, plans will be returned for the connected company.