Register Hard Copy Distributed


If it is a hardcopy distribution, you have to update the record in the Distribution Historywindow when the hardcopy is distributed. This will change the status from Hardcopy Distribution to Distributed. To facilitate the manual distribution of documents, perform a query in the Distribution History window. Search for the history lines of the relevant distribution to locate those with distribution type set to Hardcopy Distribution. Alternatively you can print a report to find the distribution lines for hardcopies. Then change the status of all the hardcopies that has been distributed to Distributed by choosing Distributed in the menu.


The distribution must have been executed. 

System Effects

The distribution line will change from Hardcopy Distribution status to Distributed status.


Distribution History

Related Window Descriptions

Distribution History


  1. Open the Distribution window.
  2. Query for the document, select the row, right click and click Distribute.