Define Workshop
This activity is used to define the workshops at which
maintenance will be performed. Workshops are also used when forecasting
the workload on personnel and material.
A workshop is connected to a specific site. The workshops defined in
IFS/Vehicle Information Management are created automatically as maintenance
organizations in IFS/Basic Data for Maintenance. These maintenance organizations can be viewed
in the Organization Basic Data/Maintenance
Organizations tab.
When defining workshops, it is possible to select a
certain workshop as your preferred workshop and to connect valid locations to a
workshop. When locations are connected, and when you are working on a work order
(in IFS/Work Order Management) leading to a serial structure change, values for
Workshop and Location will appear automatically.
- To define a workshop, the site must be connected
to the current user's ID.
- To connect a location(s) to a workshop, the
workshop code and location code must be defined.
System Effects
- The workshop is automatically created as a maintenance organization.
- The workshop can be connected to modifications and tasks.
- A valid location code is connected to a workshop. When performing a
structure change on a work order, the location code and workshop will
receive their values by default.
Serial Basic Data
Related Window Descriptions
Serial Basic Data
Serial Basic Data/Workshop
Serial Basic Data/Location Code
per Workshop
To define a workshop:
- Open the Serial Basic Data window and click the Workshop
- Create a new record (F5).
- In the Workshop Code field, enter a short code to be used in the
system. Once saved, the workshop code cannot be modified.
- In the Description field, enter a description of the workshop.
- In the Site field, enter a site by using the List of Values.
Note: If the current user is not connected to the selected site, a
message is displayed. If necessary, open the Sites per User window
and connect the desired site to the user ID.
- In the Open From field, enter the time the workshop opens.
- In the Open To field, enter the time the workshop closes. The
open to hour value must be later than the open from hour value.
Note: When entering values in the Open From and Open To
fields, it is sufficient to enter 1-11 (A.M.) or 12-23 (P.M.). Minutes and
seconds are set to 00:00 by default. These values can be changed if necessary.
- Select the Preferred Workshop check box if you want this workshop
to be your default workshop.
- Save the record (F12).
To connect valid locations to the workshop:
- Open the Serial Basic Data window and click the
Location Code per Workshop
- Query (F3) for the workshop code.
- Create a new record (F5) in the table.
- Select a suitable location code from the Location Code list.
- Save the record (F12).