Enter PM Settings
Use this activity to create and connect separate PM
actions per service line.
- The service contract should be Active.
- Service lines should exist in Service
- Actions and maintenance organizations should be
entered in IFS/Basic Data for Maintenance. Ideally a work time calendar
should be connected to the maintenance organization.
System Effects
As a result of this activity a new PM action will be
created and connected to the service line. If the PM actions are calendar based,
a maintenance plan will be generated and displayed on the
Contract/PM Maintenance Plan tab.
Service Contract
Related Window Descriptions
Service Contract
Service Contract/PM Settings
- Open the
Service Contract window and
query for an active service contract (F3).
- Click the PM Settings tab and create a new record
- Enter the service line number that you want to
connect the PM action to in the Line No field. Use the List of Values to
select a suitable value. Note: When you enter a line number the following
fields will be populated with the values from the service line: Object
Object ID, Work Type, Valid From as well as Maint.
Org. and Valid To (if
entered on the Services tab). Note: The valid time
period of the PM action should not fall outside the valid time period of the
service line.
- Enter a value in the Action Code field by using the List
of Values.
- If you want a maintenance plan generated, (work
order generation = Calendar Generation) include values in the Start Unit,
Start Value, Interval Unit and Interval Value fields.
For event generation enter values in the Event, Start Event and
Interval fields.
- Additionally enter values in the remaining fields
as per your requirement.
- Save the information (F12).
- Right-click the row, point to PM Action Status
and click Active to activate the PM action.