This activity is used to complete the shipment. You should note that completing the shipment is possible after pick reporting, but before the delivery is performed. Furthermore, the shipment must be in the Preliminary status before you can make a transition to the Complete status.
The Allow Unconnected Package Structure check box will control whether the shipment can be set to Complete without connecting the order lines to the structure. If the check box is not selected, the system will check that all connected order lines to the shipment are also connected to the package structure. If the check box is selected, the system will allow the shipment to be set to Complete without any order lines being connected to the structure. However, if some order line has been connected it will always be required that all order lines are connected, independent of the setting of the check box.
Changes to the shipment or the package structure is not possible if the shipment is in the Complete status. If you do need to make changes to the shipment while in the Complete status, the shipment status must be first reversed back to Preliminary. You can then make the necessary changes to the shipment in the Preliminary status, and proceed to complete the shipment thereafter.
If the customer performs picking with differences and finalize the shipment with the changed quantity, customer must use the Complete option before executing the Finalize option.