Finalize Shipment


Finalizing a shipment enables automatic closure of the shipment as a result of performing all the necessary shipment activities. Automatically performed activities when finalizing a shipment include reserve, create a pick list, pick report, optional generation of package structure, complete shipment, deliver shipment, and optionally send dispatch advice and close shipment. You should note that creating transport labels and shipment documents are not activities performed automatically as part of finalizing a shipment.

When finalizing a shipment, the shipment will assume the Closed status. The shipment being closed means that the goods have left the sender, and no further changes to the content of the shipment is allowed. The only activities allowed when a shipment is closed, is to send or resend the dispatch advice, print shipment documents and transport labels.

Finalizing the shipment can be done at any stage in the shipment flow, and is beneficial in situations when part of the shipment is handled manually. For example, the Finalize Shipment option will execute everything that can be further done with the shipment lines, based on either the sales quantity or the picked quantity.

When finalizing the shipment based on sales quantity, it implies if there are lines with a reserved or picked quantity the system will execute reservation, picking and delivery of all available quantities that have not yet been reserved and picked.

Finalizing the shipment based on picked quantity implies, if there are lines with a picked quantity the system will not execute any further reservations even if the picked quantity is less than the sales quantity and the available quantity exists. For lines with no reserved or picked quantities or only a partially reserved quantity the system will execute reservation, picking and delivery of all available quantities that have not yet been reserved.

During the finalization it is also possible to decide whether the reserved quantities should be considered. If selecting to consider reserved quantities and the finalization is based on sales quantity, the system will not execute any further reservations for lines with a reserved and/or picked quantity. If the finalization is based on picked quantity the system will not execute any further reservations for lines with a partially reserved quantity.

It is also possible to decide if order lines without reservations for inventory parts and package parts should be disconnected from the shipment. This may be useful if picking has been reported with a zero quantity, in which case the status is set back to Released or Partially Delivered. When finalizing the shipment based on picked quantity, such lines can be disconnected to avoid that reservation, picking and delivery is executed.


System Effects



Related Window Descriptions

Finalize Shipment


  1. Open the Shipment window and populate or search to retrieve the shipment you want to finalize.
  2. In the shipment header, right-click and then click Finalize Shipment.
  3. In the Finalize Shipment dialog box select Sales Quantity or Picked Quantity. However, if there are any picked quantities the system will automatically suggest to base the finalization on picked quantity.
  4. If reserved quantities should be considered select the Consider Reserved Quantity option. If there are reserved quantities the system will automatically select the check box.
  5. If order lines without reservations should be disconnected, select the Disconnect Lines without Reservations check box.
  6. If the package structure should be generated or re-generated, select the Generate or re-generate package structure check box.
  7. Click OK.