Deny RMA


You can deny an entire RMA by using Deny in the Operations menu. A requirement for this operation is that the RMA is in status Planned.

You can also deny a specific RMA line. The RMA header may be approved even though one or more RMA lines have been denied. If all of the RMA lines have been denied, the RMA header will acquire the status Denied as well. A RMA line can only be denied when it is in status Planned.

When an RMA line or entire RMA has been denied, it receives the status Denied, and no further transactions can be performed.


System Effects

Denying the entire RMA:

The RMA header and all lines acquires the Denied status.

No new lines can be entered for the current RMA.

No further transactions can be performed on the header.

Denying a RMA line:

The RMA line acquires the Denied status.

No further transactions can be performed on the line. Denied lines can not be removed or changed.

If all RMA lines are denied, the RMA header will acquire the status Denied as well.


Return Material Authorization

Related Window Descriptions

Return Material Authorization


Denying the entire RMA:

  1. Populate or Query for the RMA that you intend to deny.
  2. Select Deny in the Operations menu.
  3. Click the OK button in the message box to confirm the operation.

Denying a RMA Line:

  1. Populate or Query for the appropriate RMA.
  2. Mark the RMA line that you intend to deny.
  3. Right click in the lower part of the window and select Deny, in the operations menu that appears.
  4. Click the OK button in the message box to confirm the operation.