This activity is used to print a delivery note as soon as an order line is connected to the shipment. The delivery note is used to accompany the goods to the customer and is considered as a preliminary document when it is printed before the shipment has been completed. If the delivery note is printed very early in the shipment process, e.g., before picking is reported, it cannot be considered as final since it is not possible to retrieve accurate information of the delivery at that stage. Furthermore, if the delivery note is printed before a package structure has been defined, this will result in information on the tare, gross weight, and volume not being presented on the document.
The calculation of gross weight and volume requires that a package structure be defined. Without the packages it is not possible to calculate a correct gross volume or weight. However, it is possible to calculate the net weight. Regardless of this, you can print a delivery note without a defined package structure, any time during the shipment process until the shipment reaches the Closed status. You can print the delivery note using the Print Delivery Note right mouse button option from the header of the Shipment window.
It should be noted that a DIRDEL message can be sent automatically to the ordering customer for parts that have been delivered directly to the end customer via shipment.