This activity is used to either remove or modify the connected lines in the shipment. There are several situations where it may be necessary to remove an already connected order line from a shipment or to add another line. The person responsible for the shipment may realize the need for removal at any stage in the process, including just before loading the truck. Therefore, it is imperative that it is possible to remove a line, or even remove one and add another, as long as the lines are not delivered. A connected line can be removed by selecting the line and clicking Remove on the toolbar.
When an order line is removed from the shipment, in some situations the order line is not set to the Released status and the reservations are not cleared. It is therefore useful to note the following:
- If the order line is reserved and removed from the shipment, it assumes the Reserved status.
- If a pick list is created and reported with zero quantity picked, the order line is set to the Released status. If it is later removed from the shipment, it will remain in the Released status.
- If the order line is picked and removed from the shipment, it assumes the Released status.
- If the order line is reserved and removed from the shipment, it assumes the Reserved status.
- If a pick list is created and reported with zero quantity picked, the order line is set to the Released status. If it is later removed from the shipment, it will remain in the Released status.
- If the order line is picked and removed from the shipment, it remains in the Picked status, i.e., the goods are still physically in the shipment inventory, and therefore the status does not change and the reservations are not cleared.
- If the order line is reserved and removed from the shipment, it assumes the Reserved status.
- If a pick list is created and reported with zero quantity picked, the order line is set to the Released status. If it is later removed from the shipment, it will remain in the Released status.
- If the order line is picked and removed from the shipment, it assumes the Released status.
Note: If a shipment is not in the Preliminary status, it can be reversed from the Complete status to the Preliminary status, but not from the Closed status to the Preliminary status.
Note: Transport documents must be reprinted after the package structure is altered.
Order Lines
Order Lines
To remove connected order lines:
To connect order lines: