Send Dispatch Advice


For order specific deliveries, the dispatch advice can be sent when the delivery note is created and printed. Its contents are the same as in the printed delivery note.

For shipments, the dispatch advice (delivery note) can be sent when the shipment is completed and delivered. Also, When a package structure is created with handling unit IDs and package unit IDs, the information about the packed parts can be sent to the customer using the dispatch advice (DESADV) message.


System Effects


Print Delivery Note for Customer Orders

Related Window Descriptions

Print Delivery Note for Customer Orders

Send Dispatch Advice


Using Shipment:

  1. Retrieve the shipment for which you want to send the dispatch advice, by using the Populate or Query function.
  2. In the shipment header, right-click and then click Send Dispatch Advice.

Note: If a structure is generated for the shipment, the package information is also included in the DESADV message. This however, will not be the case in order based shipment where the package information is not included in the message.

Using Order Based Shipment:

  1. Query for the customer order in Print Delivery Note for Customer Orders window. 
  2. Choose Send Dispatch Advice in the operations menu.