Shop Order As Built Structure/Lot/Serial Link

[About Shop Order Requisition] [About Shop Order] [About Tracking Parts]

[To Make to Stock Planning] [To Manufacturing]


Use this tab to see lots/batches that are linked with serial numbers in the tracked structures. Only lot/batch and serial numbers that are associated with a tracked structure appear in this tab.

You can add lot/batch numbers to existing tracked structures by right-clicking and then clicking Assign Lot to Serial. When you add the lot/batch numbers to the structure, you also specify which serial numbers should be assigned to each lot/batch.

Typically, you would use this method of linking lot/batch and serial numbers prior to receiving the shop order. However, you can also match lots/batches with their appropriate serial numbers when you receive the shop order.

Activity Diagrams

Handle Shop Order


Assign Lot/Batch to Serial Numbers