Award Sub Contract


This activity is used to award a sub contract. If an agreement has been reached with the preferred supplier, the sub contract can be awarded.

Note: If a supplier income type has been specified on one or more of the existing contract items, this supplier income type must be valid for the preferred supplier. If not, the contract cannot be awarded to this supplier.

Once the sub contract is awarded, it will not be possible to modify the supplier on the contract.


System Effects


Sub Contract
Sub Contracts

Related Window Descriptions

Sub Contract
Sub Contracts


  1. Open the Sub Contract window and query (F3) for the necessary sub contract.
  2. Right-click anywhere in the header, point to Status, and then click Award. The Award Sub Contract dialog box opens.
  3. In the Reason ID field, enter the reason for awarding the sub contract. Click List to select a valid value.
  4. In the Supplier ID field, enter the supplier. Click List to select a valid value.
  5. If necessary, change the Award Date.
  6. In the Note field, you may enter any additional information if needed.
  7. Click OK.