Create Sub Contract


This activity is used to create a sub contract. At the creation of the contract, you need to enter values in the Contract Name, Contract Type, Company and Currency fields. When the sub contract is set to a new status, you may be required to enter values in some other fields. A message will be displayed, detailing the values that are required to be entered.


System Effects


Sub Contract
Sub Contracts

Related Window Descriptions

Sub Contract
Sub Contracts


  1. Open the Sub Contract window or the Sub Contracts window.
  2. Create a new record (F5).
  3. In the Contract No field, enter the contract number you desire. If a value is not entered in this field, upon saving, the system will automatically generate a sub contract number.
  4. In the Contract Name field, enter the name of the sub contract. This should be a descriptive and preferably unique name for the sub contract.
  5. In the Contract Type field, enter the sub contract type. Use the List of Values to select a valid value.
  6. In the Company field, enter the company for which the sub contract is to be created. Your default company ID is automatically displayed, but can be changed if necessary. Use the List of Values to select another company to which you are connected.
  7. In the Currency field, enter the currency of the sub contract. Your default company's currency is automatically displayed, but can be changed if necessary. Use the List of Values to select a valid value.
  8. If necessary, enter additional contract data in the optional fields.
  9. By specifying a Project ID on the header of the sub contract, you can restrict a contract to a specific project.
    If a project specified as Project Unique Billing is entered in the Project tab of the contract, system will validate that no other projects are connected to the contract and update the Project ID on the Header.
  10. Save the information (F12).