Offset Invoice with Credit Invoice
This activity is used to offset invoices with credit invoices. This offset
does not cause any cash flow in cash accounts and the total amount is always zero.
- The valuation must be in the Certified status.
- The Invoice and Credit Invoice must be registered with the sub contract.
- Both invoices must be matched with a certificate and authorized.
- The credit invoice must be connected to the same valuation as the connected
debit invoice.
System Effects
- The status of the valuation will not be changed.
- The offset is displayed as a supplier offset with a zero amount in the
Sub Contract Valuation/Payment tab, regardless of whether the
offset is performed for a full invoice or partial amounts.
- Records will not be added to the
Sub Contract Valuation/Invoice
Supplier Offset
Related Window Descriptions
Supplier Offset
Follow the procedures, in the process model Supplier Offset, used to match
the payment with the invoice.