This activity will automatically add authorizers to the posting proposal without any manual intervention. There are several ways to add authorizers for the posting lines in the proposal. All posting lines must have authorizers who will authorize the postings before the invoice is finally posted.
If authorization is done in IFS/Purchasing, then the authorizers can be inherited from the purchase order connected to the invoice. To inherit authorizers from IFS/Purchasing, the Inherit Authorizer(s) From Purchase check box should be selected on the Invoice /Supplier Invoice Workflow sub tab in the Company window. When the check box is not selected, or when no authorized purchase order exists for the invoice, then the authorizers are automatically assigned based on the rules in the Authorizer Assigning Rulewindow. It is possible to use different rules depending on the invoice amount, suppliers involved, invoice recipients, and code parts. When the rule is valid, the routing rule connected to the assigning rule will be used to add authorizers to the proposal.
Authorizers will be automatically added to the posting proposal.