Link Period Rounding to Employees


This activity is used to link rounding rules defined in the Rounding Rule Definition window to position codes, organization codes, wage classes, day types and selection groups defined in the company. The rounding rule will be applicable to the employees belonging to the specified position code, organization code etc. That is, this activity will specify the criteria that employees are required to fulfill so that a rounding rule will be applicable.

As a result of this activity, It is possible that one employee may be linked to more than one rounding rule based on the employee's organization code, position code, work hour schedule etc. In such situations, the priority order of rounding rule assignments you specify using this activity will determine which rounding rule should be applicable.


In order to perform this activity;

System Effects

There are no system effects.


Rounding Rule Setup

Related Window Descriptions

Rounding Rule Setup


  1. Open the Rounding Rule Setup window and create a new record.
  2. In the Priority field, specify the priority order in which the rounding records should apply.
  3. In the Rounding ID field, use the list to enter a rounding rule ID.
  4. If you want to link the rounding rule to a position code, organization code, wage class, day type and/or selection group, enter the required values in the relevant fields.
  5. In the Rounding Rule field, select Include or Exclude from the list to specify whether or not the rounding rule should apply to the position, organization etc. that you linked in step 4.
  6. Repeat the above steps to create more records.