Register Job Hours and Time Card Information


This activity is used to register the job hours an employee has worked. Job hours include time spent on work orders in IFS/Maintenance, shop order operations and indirect jobs in IFS/Manufacturing as well as projects in IFS/Project Reporting. You can also enter separate notes related to attendance and project transactions.

You can register time for each of these jobs using IFS/Time Management. When employee reports job hours, whether or not attendance hours should also be generated simultaneously depends on the time registration time base linked to the employee; 

If time registration time base is Job Hour Controlled Wage Hours, the reported job hours will also generate attendance hours. That is, the normal hours scheduled for the day based on the employee's work schedule will be filled using the job hours. If the time base is Automatic Insert of Normal Hours, the scheduled normal hours will be generated for all passed dates in the same week. In addition, you can manually report other types of attendance such as overtime and extra time. If the time base is Clocking Controlled Wage Hours, attendance cannot be reported using the Time Registration window.


In order to perform this activity;

System Effects

As a result of this activity;


Time Registration

Related Window Descriptions

Time Registration


Perform the following procedure in order to register job hours for employees. In the header of the window, the buttons Work Order, Project, Shop Order or Indirect can be used in order to create new records and register hours for the respective jobs. The buttons will only be available if the relevant module is installed in the system.

  1. Open the Time Registration window.
  2. Query or populate to select an employee who is already assigned to a time registration time base.
  3. In the Week field, select the week for which you want to report time.

    If you want to register time for work orders;
  4. Click the Work Order button and enter the work order value in the relevant field. The maintenance organization to which the employee belongs will display in the Maint Org field.
  5. Enter the number of hours worked for the days in the week and save the information.

    If you want to register time for projects;
  6. Click the Project button. Enter the short name of the project activity and the report code in the relevant fields. The organization code to which the employee belongs will display in the Org Code field. You can change the organization code for this record only if the Use Employee Labor Cost check box is not selected for the company.
  7. Enter the number of hours worked for the days in the week and save the information.
  8. If you want to modify project related details of the record you entered, right-click on the record and click Details on Current Row to open the Job Details dialog box. You can enter details such as internal comment, invoice comment and price adjustment for the project transaction.
  9. Click OK to save the details.

    If you want to register time for shop orders;
  10. Click the Shop Order button. Enter the operation ID and the time type in the relevant fields. The time type will determine whether the time is registered for the set-up time of the operation or the actual running time.
  11. Enter the number of hours worked for the days in the week and save the information.

    If you want to register time for indirect jobs;
  12. Click the Indirect button. Enter the required indirect job ID in the relevant field and the the number of hours for the days in the week.
  13. Save the information.

Perform the following procedure in order to register additional attendance hours such as overtime and extra time for employees. This option is not available if employee is using Clocking Controlled Wage Hours as the time registration time base.

  1. Click the Attendance button. If you want to register overtime, extra time, specified time, absence or increments, enter the relevant wage code in the Wage Code field. You can also enter wage codes of type Balance Withdrawal or Balance Accrual in order to enter hours that can be accrued or withdrawn from a time balance linked to the employee.
  2. Enter the number of hours of overtime, absence, increment etc. for the days in the week and save the information.

Perform the following procedure in order to enter notes related to the attendance records of employee.

  1. Right-click and click on Attendance Notes to open the Attendance Notes dialog box.
  2. Add notes in the Notes field for each account date in the week that is selected.
  3. Click OK to save the notes.