Register Detailed Course Information


Use this function to define detailed information about a specific course.

Course Prerequisite specifies what courses a potential participant must have gone through before attending the course.

Competency Prerequisite defines what competencies a potential participant must have before attending the course.

Knowledge Prerequisite defines what kind of knowledge a potential participant should have before attending the course.

Task Prerequisite specifies a task that you think a potential participant should have completed before attending the course.

Trainer License Prerequisite defines what licenses a trainer should hold to be allowed to conduct the course.

Trainers define which trainers can conduct the course. Trainers are registered in Trainer.

Equipment Requirement defines equipment needed for the course.

Course Syllabus defines the syllabus/agenda for the course.

Course Material specifies material needs for the course.

Course Evaluation identifies specific questions that should be used to evaluate the course. General questions used by more than this course is normally defined in the evaluation template.

Competency Obtained defines what competency level the course is intended to give. It will later be used to update the employee's competency after he or she has completed the course successfully.


Trainers: A trainer must be registered in Trainer or in Trainers before you can select one in the List of Values.

Competency Obtained: Before you can register the supported competency level, you have to make sure that the following information has been registered:

System Effects

Competency Obtained: As a result of this entry, the system will update the employee competency based on the level defined/registered in Supported Competency Level.


Course Specification

Related Window Descriptions

Course Specification/Course Prerequisite
Course Specification/Competency Prerequisite
Course Specification/Knowledge Prerequisite
Course Specification/Trainer License Requirement
Course Specification/Equipment Requirement
Course Specification/Trainers
Course Specification/Course Syllabus
Course Specification/Course Material
Course Specification/Course Evaluation
Course Specification/Task Prerequisite
Course Specification/Competency Obtained


Course Prerequisite, Competency Prerequisite, Knowledge Prerequisite, Trainer License Prerequisite, Equipment Requirement, Trainers, Course Syllabus, Course Material, Course Evaluation, Task Prerequisite:

  1. Select New to register a new item.
  2. Specify your data.
  3. Save.

 Supported Competency Level:

  1. Select New to register a new item.
  2. Define the Competency Group Name. You can choose the value from the dropdown list box.
  3. Define the Competency Element Name. You can choose the value from the dropdown list box.
  4. Define the Competency Level. You can choose the value from the dropdown list box.
  5. Select or clear the 'Is Course Mandatory' check box as you see fit.
  6. Save.