Using Templates

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Templates are useful when you want to register several objects with similar information. You can create a template with information that is common and reuse this when entering a new object. Templates may also be set as being Default Template in a specific page, e.g. the default values will always be suggested when entering a new object. The templates you create are stored in your user profile.



System Effects




Related Window Descriptions

Template Organizer


Create a Template from new Object

  1. Open the IFS Applications page you want to work with. If it’s a master detail page, e.g. a page with a header and rows, you need to create separate templates for the header and the rows.
  2. Enter the information you want to use as template values. Click the drop-down arrow by the Save button and select Save as Template from the list. Another option is to right mouse click to open the context menu and select Edit/Save as Template.
  3. This will open up the Save as Template dialog box. Enter the name of the template and a description. Click OK to save the template.
  4. If you also want to save the information as a regular object click the Save button to save it.

Create a Template from a Existing Object

  1. Open the IFS Applications page you want to create a template for and populate with the data you want to use as template values.
  2. The Save button is not enabled unless you have made changes so right mouse click to open the context menu and select Edit/Save as Template.
  3. This will open up the Save as Template dialog box. Enter the name of the template and a description. Click OK to save the template.

You can delete or rename your templates under My Administration/Templates.

Figure 1: Save as Template dialog box

Use a Template

  1. Open the IFS Applications page you want to work with.
  2. Click the drop-down arrow by the New button and select New From Template.  All your templates for that specific page are displayed in the submenu.
  3. Select a template and the template values are suggested in the page and you can complete the entry and save the object.

Set a Default Template

You can set one of your existing templates to be the Default Template on a page. This means the template values will always be suggested when you create a new object in the page. You can set the Default Template via My Administration/Templates, read more about Manage Templates or directly in a page as follows:

When working with a page header:

  1. Open the IFS Applications page you want to work with.
  2. Click the drop-down arrow by the New button and select New From Template and Set Default Template from the submenu. The Set Default Template dialog is opened displaying the existing templates for current page.
  3. Select the template you want to use as the default template from the drop-down list and click OK.

When working with a page detail,

  1. Open the IFS Applications page you want to work with.
  2. Right mouse click to open the context menu and select Edit/New From Template/Set default Template. The Set Default Template dialog is opened displaying the existing templates for current page.
  3. Select the template you want to use as the default template from the drop-down list and click OK.

Figure 2: Dialog Box for selecting default template.

When you have set a default template, every time you create a new object, the default template values will be used in the page.

Remove a Default Template

Do the following to remove a template set as Default Template:

  1. Open the IFS Applications page you want to work with.
  2. Right mouse click to open the context menu and select Edit/New From Template/Set default Template. The Set Default Template dialog is opened.
  3. Select template <None> from the drop-down list and click OK.

Manage Templates via My Administration

You can reach all your templates from My Administration/Templates. In this page you can organize your templates by sorting and grouping by Description, Entity or by Title. You can group/sort the templates by ascending and descending order. You can also have advance sorting of the templates using Sorting/custom context menu option.

The following options area available:

Figure 3: Context menu with options on Templates

Figure 4: Context menu with options on Detail Templates