Configure Information Card

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Information Cards can be used to view additional information in IFS Applications pages. Using Information Cards make information more accessible and can reduce the number of mouse clicks it takes to find the information you need. For example, on the Customer Order page you can create an information card with Delivery Terms, Payment Terms or any other information related to customer order. When viewing the Information card you don't need to go to tabs or other pages to find it.

When configuring an Information Card you choose from a predefined set of fields, define the order of the information and add labels and empty rows to enhance the layout. It's usually the System Administrator who makes this initial configuration, predefines the fields, this is described in the Technical Documentation.


You must have the permission to Configure Information Cards.

System Effects

Information Card configurations are saved in the user profile.



Related Window Descriptions

Personalize Information Card


Configure an Information Card

Open an IFS Application detailed page, Information Cards are not available in table/overview pages. The Information Card button in the toolbar is enabled if the page is prepared to use Information Cards. Click on the drop-down list by the Information Card button and select Configure from the context menu.

Figure 1. Information Card Context Menu

The Personalize Information Card dialog is displayed. The example below shows the dialog from the Customer Order page where the System Administrator has predefined a number of fields.

Figure 2. Example Personalize Information Card dialog

Do the following to configure an Information Card:

  1. Enter the title of the Information card in the text box at the top of the dialog. This title will be displayed in the Information Card header. Leave it blank if you don't want to use a title.
  2. The dialog is divided into two parts. The available fields, predefined by the System Administrator, are displayed on the left hand side and the fields you have selected to display in the Information Card are displayed on the right hand side. Use drag and drop or Add and Remove buttons to move/remove fields.
  3. Click Label button to add a label in the Information Card, a dialog where you enter the label text is displayed. Labels can be useful when you want to separate the fields and clarify the information. With the Edit Label button you can edit the text for an existing label.
  4. Click Empty Row button to add an empty row on the Information Card. Empty rows can also be useful when you want to you want to separate the fields and clarify the information.
  5. Click Move Up and Move Down buttons to move the order of the fields. You can also use drag and drop to move fields within the box.
  6. Click OK to save the changes.

The Information Card will now be displayed on the page. See example below:

Figure 3. Information Card example Customer Order page