Set Application Options

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Via Application Options you can change many application settings like which color theme to use, which page to use as application home page etc. The changes you make are personal and stored in the user profile.


You must have the permission to each tab to see it.

System Effects

Changes are stored in your user profile.



Related Window Descriptions



There are two options to open the Applications dialog:

Figure 1: Application Options dialog

The Application Options dialog has several tabs, see below. Note that some tabs might not be visible due to the security settings.

Once you have made your changes click OK button to save.


In the General tab you can change/view the following:

User Interface

In the User Interface tab you can change/view the following:


In the Assistance tab you can change/view the following:

User Profile:

In the User Profile you can change/view the following:

Regional Settings:

The regional settings for formatting dates, numbers etc., are picked from your computer's current region but there are a few things you can change in the Regional Settings tab.

.     Position to the decimal point.
,     Thousand separator when nested between 0's or #'s.
#     Optional digits on both sides of the decimal point.
0     Number of decimal places to the right of the decimal point. The minimum digits to the left if the decimal point.

Some examples of valid formats are:

(Value: 1359.246)

Format    Result
0 1359
0.00 1359.25
#,##0 1,359
#,##0.000# 1,359.246
#,##0.0000 1,359.2460
0#,##0.00 01,359.25

Note: When providing a currency format without decimals, make sure the format string ends with a 0, as in #,##0. Otherwise, 0 values in application will be displayed as empty values.

Use Windows currency format setting for the selected region by leaving the IFS Currency Format field empty. Reset the currency format to 0.00 by clicking Use Default. Select if week numbers are to be shown in the calendar control.


This tab is usually only available for System Administrators and contains the following:


This tab is usually only available for System Administrators and contains the following: