Change Work Scope Tasks/Map Serial Numbers

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Use this tab to manage DPF scenarios (different part found scenarios) for position parts holding more than 1 serialized part. Once the interim order structure is released, the system will populate the Expected Serials before Disassembly table with all serial parts that are in exposed positions of the structure. The serials (including its structure) you receive due to a DPF will be populated in the Received Serials during Disassembly table. After receiving, you can map the expected serial part with the received serial part. When this is done, it will be possible to update the Off Log by transferring these part records. A received serial is removed from the mapping table once it is un-received from the shop order.

The following table shows the options which are available in this tab:

Options Description
Show Unmapped Select this option to populate both tables with the serials that have not been mapped.
Show Diff When this option is selected the tables in the tab are populated with the differences found during disassembly.
Transfer Select this option to transfer the serials that have been mapped. Note: These serials have not been transferred thus far. These serials will be transferred to Task Summary/Off Log and will receive the description Off Log Updated.
Undo Transfer To undo a transfer you need to select one or more records (from either table) that have been transferred and updated in the Off Log. As a result, you can re-map the selected records and update the Off Log once again.
Map To map a serial you need to select one record from each table, where the serials have not been mapped as yet. Furthermore, the position part for the selected records need to be the same. When this option is selected the two records are linked to each other.
Unmap This option can be selected to clear the mapping of the selected serial. You need to select a record from either of the tables provided the serial has been mapped previously.

Activity Diagrams

Plan Maintenance Tasks, Variant MRO


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