Operational Planning/Assign Vehicles and Crew
Serial Operational Information/Operational Event

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Use this tab to create and update an operational event. In the lower table of the tab you can assign personnel to the operational event. An operational event can be defined per operational plan or per vehicle. In the Operational Planning/Assign Vehicles and Crew tab an operational event is defined for a selected operational plan. In the Serial Operational Information/Operational Event tab the operational event is defined for a selected vehicle part.

When an operational event is defined for an operational plan, you can assign vehicles and plan the personnel for the operational event. You can also follow up on each operational event, for example, if you need to change to another vehicle for an operational event. However operational events in this tab can only be defined if the operational plan is completed. When an operational plan is complete, the number of operational events correspond to the number of serials on the item. If an operational plan is to be executed daily, you can select the Generate Events right mouse button option on the selected row.

For operational events that are defined for a vehicle part, you can follow up on the operational events for each vehicle and to create ad hoc (not planned) operational events.

When a serial is assigned to an operational plan, there will be an indication of whether the serial has overdue interval maintenance or the serial has pending maintenance operations.

Activity Diagrams

Plan Daily Operations


Assign Serials and/or Crew
Change Assigned Serial
Create Ad Hoc Operational Event
Generate an Operational Event