Use this window to record information on the flight log of a vehicle. Listed below is some of the information that can be entered on a vehicle's flight log:
The flight log information is usually entered by the pilot after the completion of a flight. Flight log mechanics will use the log to check for any open issues on the aircraft, report in any actions taken, and ensure that all faults are signed off prior to a flight.
At creation the flight log is set to the Open status, and at this stage information pertaining to one or more flights can be added to the flight log of a vehicle. Note that only one flight log can be open for a vehicle at any given point of time. Once all information for the flight log is entered, the flight log can be set to the Closed status.
Note: It is possible to record several flights on the same flight log, but only one record is allowed for each flight.
For the description of each tab in the window, follow the appropriate link: General, Flight Info, Crew, Fault, Condition Meas., Flight Servicing, Moved Flights, Journal.
Report Flight Log
Report Flight
Void Flight Log
Move Voided Flights
Close Flight Log
Amend Flight Log