Schedule Work Order with CBS

What is CBS?

IFS/CBS or IFS/Constraint Based Scheduling is an add-on of an in-memory advanced Scheduling Server which allows you to perform finite capacity scheduling in a resource and material constrained environment. It solves the problem of when to complete a given set of jobs that represent work on a set of resources. With regard to work orders CBS will facilitate:

For more in-depth information on CBS please refer to the following online help document: Constraint Based Scheduling.

Different Ways of Scheduling Work Orders

There are five possible scenarios for which you can schedule work orders:

Scheduling Work Orders with CBS

In order to schedule a work order using IFS/CBS the work order site must be CBS enabled. CBS sites are created in IFS/Basic Data for Constraint Based Scheduling; the CBS site also contains information about the server and port used by the CBS server. Once the relevant work order is set to Prepared it will be transferred to the CBS server for scheduling. Before setting the work order to Prepared however you need to make sure that all information the CBS server would require to make the scheduling (described below) is present in the work order. The work order can be planned in the CBS server until it reaches the Work Done status, after which it will be removed from the CBS server and therefore can no longer be scheduled.

Note: You cannot use the Resource Allocation feature and CBS at the same time; therefore you need to decide which sites need to be CBS enabled. CBS assumes that it will plan the resources for the entire work order site and will update the relevant resource allocation tables using the Resource Allocation feature.

Data Exchange between the Database and CBS Server

Basic data (Resources) and work order information is read automatically from the database when the CBS server starts and/or reboots. When information is updated in the database for the objects described below they are also updated in the CBS server provided the site to which they are connected is CBS enabled.

The following picture depicts how data is exchanged between the database and the CBS server.

Resources - Includes the basic data related to IFS Maintenance;

Work Order Information - Includes;

Scheduled Orders - Includes; Work Order Planned Start and Finish Dates, Work Order Operation Planned Start and Finish Dates, Top Work Order Planned Start and Finish Dates and Resource Allocations.

Scheduling Constraints

During the scheduling process the CBS server may come across resource constraints that can't be resolved and will return an incomplete scheduled order. The scheduling status of the relevant operation line for which a resource constraint can't be resolved (in the work order) will be set to Unscheduled and allocations will not be made. The Scheduling Constraint field on the Prepare Work Order/General or Work Order Execution Logic/General tab will be set to Unresolved or Unresolved (Tardy). The Unresolved (Tardy) value will be set if all resource constraints have been resolved but the requested finish date on the work order has not been met. With regard to work order structures - the Scheduling Constraint of the parent work order will be set to Unresolved or Unresolved (Tardy). Changes Pending is displayed when there are changes made on the work order or its operations that have not yet been rescheduled. Work orders that contain unresolved scheduling constraints cannot be started. To do so you need to first resolve the issues and reschedule the work order.

Buffer Index Calculation

This calculation is performed during the reschedule of a work order/project structure. The buffer index is the comparison between the progress of a shop visit and how much of the project buffer has been consumed. In order to perform the calculation, the following information must exist:

The formulas used to perform the calculation are listed below:

Project Buffer Size = Requested Finish - Structure Finish at Start
Buffer Consumption = (Structure Finish (current) - Structure Finish at Start) / Project Buffer Size
Buffer Index = Structure Progress / Buffer Consumption

Background Scheduling

It is possible to automate the scheduling run of CBS by using the Scheduled Tasks feature. Here you can configure valid scheduling parameters so that the schedule run is performed through a background job daily at a specific time or on certain days of the week/month. You can schedule a run of CBS for:

When the scheduled task is run, the site, work order structure and/or project is scheduled and up-to-date.