Work Order

In IFS/Preventive and Corrective Maintenance, work orders for all types of maintenance tasks are administrated. In IFS/Service Management, work orders for all types of services are also administrated. In general, the maintenance tasks and the service tasks can be planned or unplanned. A work order for unplanned tasks is intended for manually registered corrective measures or service, while a work order for planned tasks can either be PM (Preventive Maintenance) - generated or manually registered. 

A work order is either PM-generated, created via a fault report, or via a service request. The user can then prepare the work orders for a final accomplishment. Among the information that can be prepared are the budget costs, document information, material, and personnel resources. This means that all necessary information is already available on the work order when the tasks on the work order are to be performed. 

All manually registered work orders are automatically assigned a number from 1 to 599,999, in a sequential order. Work orders that are PM-generated are assigned a number beginning from 600,000. This number is defined when installing IFS Applications and therefore can be changed to another number series (e.g., 12000000) if necessary.

A work order can be in progress in IFS/Maintenance for an unlimited period of time. Costs, time, and other information can continuously be reported in for the work order. If IFS/Service Management is used, the information on the work order is transferred to IFS/Customer Orders for invoicing purposes. 

Work Order Status

Since a work order can be in progress for an unlimited period of time, there is a status system that defines what can be done with the work order. The status system also facilitates the selection of work orders that can be performed in several windows in IFS/Maintenance. It is not mandatory to use all the statuses. A new work order has one of the following two statuses:

The status is then normally changed to one of the following:

After the work order has been prepared, the status is normally changed to Prepared or Released. Occasionally there is a need to not follow the ordinary sequence of status modifications. In this case, the system allows you to change the status differently, either in the forward direction or in the reverse direction, for example from Work Request status directly to Released status or to reverse from Released to Prepared status.

A work order can be canceled at any time if it has no postings connected to it. There is an exception for a work order with Finished status that cannot be canceled. 

The work order is used in IFS/Maintenance, and in IFS Applications for Service Management.