Define Dataset


This activity is used to define the datasets that will be used within a company to transfer data to the Scheduling Engine. A dataset will contain information on how data should be scheduled. That is, the type of scheduling that should take place and the time horizon for the scheduling. There are two types of scheduling that can be assigned to a dataset, Static and Dynamic. Static scheduling is generally used for long term rough scheduling such as the resource capacity for a year, while dynamic scheduling is used for short term detail scheduling with the focus on optimizing the utilization of resources. The time horizon for which the data should be transferred and scheduled should be entered in days. For instance, if the number of days is set to 7, all work orders, schedules, employees, breaks and HR bookings, for the site(s), that should be scheduled within the given time interval (7 days in this example) will be sent to and scheduled by the Scheduling Engine.

You can set up the dataset to be applicable for one or more sites within the company. Following is a list of data that will be transferred for scheduling from the relevant site(s):

Note: In 360 Scheduling, permission groups define which users are allowed to view a set of resources (employees in IFS Applications) and activities (separate and route work orders). These permission groups are called object groups. In the integration, object groups have the equivalence of sites in IFS Applications. This means that in order for a 360 user to be able to view information like resources and activities belonging to a particular site, the user must be connected to the corresponding object group in 360 Scheduling. The object groups for activities and resources are transferred automatically from IFS Applications to 360 Scheduling, but object groups for the 360 users must be set up and granted to the 360 users manually from the 360 iSWB.

Default values can be entered for the work orders in the dataset. From these, the default activity type, maximum base value per hour and appointment scheduling type must be entered when setting up the dataset. If a work order is missing a primary scheduling type, secondary scheduling type or an activity type, or if it is an appointment work order which is missing a scheduling type, the default values from the dataset will be assigned automatically to the work order. It is possible to define the lowest status from which work orders in the dataset can be transferred for scheduling. The default work order status for all datasets is Released and is set for the ACTWO_DEFAULT_STATE object parameter. The object parameter value can be changed if required and you can also choose to configure this per dataset. Values need to be entered for HR activities, i.e., Lunch and Break, in the dataset as well. The values will be assigned to all lunches and breaks and will be used as an input when scheduling the activities.

For each dataset, it is possible to connect a broadcast to an allocation type. The allocation type is used to indicate what type of data should be output based on its association with either the DSE (Dynamic Scheduling Engine), SDS (Scheduling Dispatch Service) or iSWB (Internet Scheduling Work Bench). The purpose of connecting broadcasts to allocation types is to enable transferring of SDS rules (i.e., a set of commit rules to automatically commit/uncommit orders) and to set up communication between IFS Application and the SDS, iSWB or DSE. To start the transfer of data per allocation type, the connected broadcast must be activated. It is possible to deactivate a broadcast for an allocation type without deactivating the entire dataset. Based on the allocation type you select, the following will occur when the data is transferred via the dataset:


System Effects


Scheduling Dataset

Related Window Descriptions

Scheduling Dataset
Scheduling Dataset/Site
Scheduling Dataset/WO Defaults
Scheduling Dataset/HR Defaults


Use the following procedure to create a dataset for your company and define the default values for work orders in the dataset:

  1. Open the Scheduling Dataset window.
  2. Verify that the correct company is in use. If not, right-click and click Change Company to change the company.
  3. Create a new record (F5).
  4. In the Dataset ID field, enter a unique identification for your dataset.
  5. In the Description field, enter a description of the dataset.
  6. In the Duration Days field, enter the number of days for the scheduling horizon of the dataset.
  7. In the Process Type field, specify whether this should be a Static or Dynamic dataset.
  8. Click the WO Defaults tab.
  9. In the Default Activity Type field, enter an activity type for the work orders in the dataset. Use the List of Values to select a valid value.
  10. In the Maximum Base Value per Hour field, enter the maximum base value in hours for the work orders in the dataset.
  11. In the Appointment Scheduling Type field, enter the scheduling type that is to be used for the appointment work orders in the dataset. Use the List of Values to select a valid value.
  12. Optionally, enter the default primary and secondary scheduling types for the work orders in the dataset by using the List of Values in the Default Primary Scheduling Type and Default Secondary Scheduling Type fields respectively.
  13. Optionally, enter the lowest status from which work orders in the dataset can be scheduled in the Schedule from WO Status field.
  14. Save the information (F12).

Use the following procedure to enter the sites within the selected company which are to be scheduled:

  1. Click the Site tab and create a new record (F5).
  2. In the Site field, enter the site for which scheduling data is to be transferred. Use the List of Values to select a valid value.
  3. Save the information (F12).

Use the following procedure to define default values for the lunches and breaks in the dataset:

  1. Click the HR Defaults tab.
  2. In the Scheduling Type Lunch field, enter the scheduling type for all lunches in the dataset. Use the List of Values to select a valid value.
  3. In the Lunch Base Value per Hour field, enter the base value per hour for all lunches in the dataset.
  4. In the Scheduling Type Break field, enter the scheduling type for all breaks in the dataset. Use the List of Values to select a valid value.
  5. In the Break Base Value per Hour field, enter the base value per hour for all breaks in the dataset.
  6. Save the information (F12).

Use the following procedure to connect a scheduling broadcast to an allocation type:

  1. Click the Broadcasts tab and create a new record (F5).
  2. In the Allocation Type field, enter the allocation type. Valid values are DSE, SDS and ISWB.
  3. In the Broadcast ID field, enter the identity of the broadcast that is to be connected to the allocation type. Use the List of Values to select a valid value.
  4. Select the Active check box if you want to activate the broadcast for the allocation type.
  5. Save the information (F12).

Use the following procedure to set the lowest status from which work orders in all datasets should be scheduled:

  1. Open the System Definitions window and click the Object Property tab.
  2. Query (F3) for the property name ACTWO_DEFAULT_STATE.
  3. In the Property Value field, select the relevant work order status.
  4. Save the information (F12).