Enter Jobs 


Use this activity to enter jobs for preventive maintenance (PM) actions, work orders, and service requests. Jobs are used to connect standard jobs to PM actions, work orders, and service requests, as well as to organize material, operation, tools and facilities and planning lines. 


Employees should be defined in IFS/Basic Data for Maintenance.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, a job line will be included in the PM action, work order, or service request. 


Separate PM Action
Route PM Action
Service Request

Prepare Work Order 
Report In Work Order 
Route Work Order 
Prepare Work Order Quotation

Related Window Descriptions

Separate PM Action 
Separate PM Action/Jobs 
Route PM Action 
Route PM Action/Jobs 
Service Request 
Service Request/Jobs
Prepare Work Order
Prepare Work Order/Jobs 
Report In Work Order 
Report In Work Order/Jobs
Route Work Order 
Route Work Order/Jobs 
Prepare Work Order Quotation
Prepare Work Order Quotation/Prepare
Prepare Work Order Quotation/Prepare/Jobs


  1. Open one of the following windows depending on the item for which you want to create the job line:
  1. In the Prepare Work Order, Service Request, or Prepare Work Order Quotation/Prepare window, create a new record (F5), or query for an existing one (F3). In the Report In Work Order or Route Work Order window, query for an existing record (F3).
  2. Click the Jobs tab, and create a new record (F5).
  3. Enter a value in the Job ID field. The value entered should be unique for the particular PM action or work order. Optionally, you can leave this field blank and a value will be automatically assigned.
  4. Enter a description for the job in the Description field. If a standard job has been connected to the job line, the standard job's work description will be displayed by default. The description can be modified if necessary.
  5. Enter the signature of the employee who is responsible for executing the job in the Executed By field. Use the List of Values to select a suitable value.
  6. Enter the date on which the job will begin and the date on which the job will end in the Planned Start and Planned Completion fields respectively (these fields are not applicable for PM Actions).
  7. Enter the service type for the repair activity in the Prepare Work Order window or use the List of Values to select a suitable value and the component repair order line connected service type(s) will be listed. Note: This field is enabled only if the repair activity is originated from a CRO line.
  8. Save the record (F12).