Unassign Employee from Work Order


This activity is used to unassign an employee from a work order. An employee may have been assigned to the work order automatically (if the work order is scheduled by the Scheduling Dispatch Service) or by using the Assign to Allocated Executed By or Assign to Current User options on the work order. When unassigned, the work order will be resent to the Scheduling Engine to be rescheduled, and a new employee (referred to as resource in 360 Scheduling) will be suggested in the allocation plan that is returned to IFS Applications.


To perform this activity, the work order must be in one of the following statuses: Fault Report/Work Request, Observed, Under Preparation, Prepared or Released. This work order must have been assigned to an employee.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the work order is set to the Released status and the value in the Executed By field is cleared.


Scheduled Work Orders
Prepare Work Order
Service Request
Report In Route Work Order

Related Window Descriptions

Scheduled Work Orders
Prepare Work Order
Prepare Work Order/Scheduling
Service Request
Service Request/Scheduling
Report In Route Work Order
Report In Route Work Order/Scheduling


  1. Open the Scheduled Work Orders window and query (F3) for the necessary work order number. This activity can also be performed in the Scheduling tab which is found in the Prepare Work Order, Service Request and Report In Route Work Order windows.
  2. Right-click on the record and then click Unassign.

Note: The SDS can unassign work order automatically if it is working from rules configured to do this. For example, two hours after the end of a shift, unassign all assigned orders that have not yet been started but were due to be started today (this allows for them to be reallocated, the following day). Furthermore, it is also possible to manually unassign work orders in the 360 iSWB.