Enter Complementary Information, Fault Report


Use this activity to enter complementary information to gain a clear view of the fault. Enter such information as discovery code to specify how the fault was discovered, the symptoms that the fault shows, and priority for the fault.


Before the information is entered, the following must have been completed:

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the fault report includes more information. You can prepare the work order in Prepare Work Order.


Fault Report

Related Window Descriptions

Fault Report


Use the following procedure to enter the information:

  1. Enter an object identity in the Object ID field. Use List of Values to select an object.
  2. Enter a description in the Fault Description field. You can double-click in the field to open an editor.
  3. Enter information in the Discovery Code, Symptoms, and Priority fields. Use List of values.
  4. Save the information.