Select Statement

Using this Portlet

Use this portlet to display results of simple select statement.


No setup is required before you use this portlet for the first time, except your personal customizations (see below)

Viewing the Search Results

This portlet displays the results of your SQL select statement.

Customizing this Portlet

Using the Customize page, you can customize the layout of your portlet. You can specify the SQL select statement whose result you want to  display, as well as the title of the portlet. Even html code can be given in the SQL select statement. With these html code you can change how the result is presented.
For example you can change the result's font color etc with a select statement like this:

"SELECT decode(identity, 
               'IFSAPP', '<font color=green>'||identity||'</font>', 
               '<font color=maroon>'||identity||'</font>') identity,
FROM fnd_user"

In order to allow html syntax you got to check the check box "Allow HTML syntax in select statement" at the configuration page.

Note: When entering html, the HTML and SQL syntax must be carefully considered and entered correctly to prevent errors when the portlet page is displayed. Please verify your select statement in SQL*Plus first to see that the HTML generates correctly.


The following layout options are available in this portlet:

In the Type your SELECT Statement box you should specify SQL select statement whose results you want to view.

Max rows: Maximum number of records retrieved from select statement that you want to display.

Skip rows: After retrieving result of the query this number of records will be skipped on display.

When maximized: The title to be shown when the portlet is maximized.

When minimized: The title to be shown when the portlet is minimized.