Basic financial data and sets of rules for IFS Applications are managed in the IFS/Accounting Rules component. This module includes code parts, posting control, and functions for creating a code string, such as code string completion. The common IFS Applications information in the IFS/Accounting Rules module allows unified inspection and automatic functions throughout IFS Applications.
Financial monitoring occurs in connection with certain events in IFS Manufacturing and IFS Distribution:
As a rule, a financial event in the system usually creates one debit and one credit posting. Each financial event in the system has an event name; for each event name, IFS Manufacturing and IFS Distribution have predefined posting types to be used for debit and credit posts. See the posting types section for more information about posting types. You can also see the control types that you can use in the control types per posting type section.
When the system creates postings for a financial event, it uses the rules in the IFS/Accounting Rules module, in the order:
The Financial Events and their bookings section lists the financial events that can occur in IFS Manufacturing and IFS Distribution, and what posting types will be posted.
The IFS/Accounting Rules module contains a set of rules called posting control, which helps you to control how your posting will look and what will affect it. The central concepts in posting control are posting types and control types.
The posting types that you link to the financial event are the terms for which you create posts. Posting types are registered in IFS/Accounting Rules. Here, you specify how you want the code string for the posting type to be controlled.
You can register posting control for up to 10 code parts for all posting types. The following is a table of the posting types, i.e., credit and debit posts, that are installed with IFS Manufacturing and IFS Distribution, depending on which components you have installed.
Posting Type | Description | Module |
M1 | Inventory | Inventory |
M2 | Internal issue | Inventory |
M3 | Inventory transfer | Inventory |
M4 | Inventory transfer between sites | Inventory |
M5 | Receipt without purchase order | Inventory |
M6 | Scrapping in inventory | Inventory |
M7 | Positive Counting difference | Inventory |
M8 | Inventory value Increase | Inventory |
M9 | Inventory value decrease | Inventory |
M10 | Receipt with purchase order | Purchasing |
M14 | Scrapped for Credit/Returned goods in inventory | Purchasing |
M15 | WIP at supplier | Shop Order |
M16 | Ship WIP to supplier | Purchasing |
M18 | Purchase | Purchasing |
M19 | Price diff purch, higher price | Purchasing |
M20 | Price diff purch, lower price | Purchasing |
M21 | Material cost for purchase | Purchasing |
M24 | Cost of sold goods, sales | Customer Order |
M25 | Cost of goods sold, order connected return | Customer Order |
M26 | Cost of sold non-inventory parts | Customer Order |
M27 | Contra account, cost of sold non-inventory parts | Customer Order |
M28 | Taxable sales | Customer Order |
M29 | Discount on taxable sales | Customer Order |
M30 | Non-taxable sales | Customer Order |
M31 | Discount on non-taxable sales | Customer Order |
M32 | Crediting taxable sales | Customer Order |
M33 | Crediting discount on taxable sales, order connected | Customer Order |
M34 | Crediting non-taxable sales, order connected | Customer Order |
M35 | Crediting discount on non-taxable sales, order connected | Customer Order |
M40 | Work in progress | Shop Order |
M41 | Operation costs | Shop Order |
M42 | Labor costs | Shop Order |
M44 | Material overhead | Shop Order |
M45 | Overhead 1 | Shop Order |
M46 | Overhead 2 | Shop Order |
M47 | Scrapping in operation | Shop Order |
M48 | Positive diff of calculation | Shop Order |
M49 | Negative diff of calculation | Shop Order |
M50 | Issues for work orders | Work Order |
M51 | Issue addition | Inventory |
M52 | Revenue issue addition | Inventory |
M53 | Issue for material requisition | Inventory |
M55 | Report sub contract cost | Shop Order |
M57 | Delivery overhead | Purchasing |
M58 | Labor overhead | Shop Order |
M59 | General overhead | Shop Order |
M60 | Consignment stock | Inventory |
M61 | Consignment stock receipt | Inventory |
M62 | Issue for project | Project |
M63 | Subcontr WIP price diff - higher | Shop Order |
M64 | Subcontr WIP price diff - lower | Shop Order |
M65 | Purchase Charges, Non-Inventory Parts | Purchasing |
M67 | Taxable charges | Customer Order |
M68 | Non-taxable charges | Customer Order |
M69 | Cost of charges sold | Customer Order |
M70 | Contra account, cost of sold charges | Customer Order |
M71 | Crediting taxable charges, order connected | Customer Order |
M72 | Crediting non-taxable charges, order connected | Customer Order |
M73 | Order discount on taxable sales | Customer Order |
M74 | Order discount on non-taxable sales | Customer Order |
M75 | Crediting order discount on taxable sales, order connected | Customer Order |
M76 | Crediting order discount on non-taxable sales, order connected | Customer Order |
M77 | Cost of goods sold, orderless return | Customer Order |
M78 | Cost of sold non-inventory parts, orderless return | Customer Order |
M79 | Contra account, cost of sold non-inventory parts, orderless return | Customer Order |
M80 | Crediting taxable sales, orderless | Customer Order |
M81 | Crediting non-taxable sales, orderless | Customer Order |
M82 | Crediting taxable charges, orderless | Customer Order |
M83 | Crediting non-taxable charges, orderless | Customer Order |
M84 | Cost of sold charges, orderless | Customer Order |
M85 | Contra account, cost of sold charges, orderless | Customer Order |
M86 | Crediting discount on taxable sales, orderless | Customer Order |
M87 | Crediting discount on non- taxable sales, orderless | Customer Order |
M88 | Inter company stock movement due from | Inventory |
M89 | Inter company stock movement due to | Inventory |
M90 | Price difference inter company material transfer | Inventory |
M91 | Non Inventory receipt with purchase order, not invoiced | Purchasing |
M92 | Purchase non-inventory material arrival | Purchasing |
M93 | Purchase non-inventory material invoice | Purchasing |
M94 | Scrapping non-inventory material | Purchasing |
M95 | Non-inventory part in transfer between sites | Customer Order |
M96 | Additional discount on taxable sales | Customer Order |
M97 | Additional discount on non-taxable sales | Customer Order |
M98 | Crediting additional discount on taxable sales, order connected | Customer Order |
M99 | Crediting additional discount on non-taxable sales, order connected | Customer Order |
M100 | Pre-accounting purchase requisition | Purchasing |
M101 | Pre-accounting purch order header | Purchasing |
M102 | Pre-accounting purch order row | Purchasing |
M103 | Pre-accounting customer order header | Customer Order |
M104 | Pre-accounting customer order row | Customer Order |
M105 | Pre-accounting shop order | Shop Order |
M107 | Pre-accounting material requisition row | Inventory |
M108 | Pre-accounting purch order row misc | Purchasing |
M109 | Pre-accounting material requisition header | Inventory |
M110 | Pre-accounting for issue from inventory | Inventory |
M111 | Pre-accounting for receipt into inventory | Inventory |
M112 | Pre-accounting DOP header | DOP |
M113 | Pre-accounting project | Project |
M114 | Pre-accounting purch requisition header | Purchasing |
M115 | Pre-accounting distribution purch order header | Purchasing |
M116 | Pre-accounting distribution purch order row | Purchasing |
M117 | Pre-accounting distribution purch order row misc | Purchasing |
M118 | Pre-accounting distribution purchase requisition | Purchasing |
M119 | Pre-accounting distribution purchase requisition header | Purchasing |
M120 | Positive variance of direct material cost | Shop Order |
M121 | Negative variance of direct material cost | Shop Order |
M122 | Positive variance of direct machine cost | Shop Order |
M123 | Negative variance of direct machine cost | Shop Order |
M124 | Positive variance of direct machine cost | Shop Order |
M125 | Negative variance of direct labor cost | Shop Order |
M126 | Positive variance of direct subcontr cost | Shop Order |
M127 | Negative variance of direct subcontr cost | Shop Order |
M128 | Positive variance of material OH | Shop Order |
M129 | Negative variance of material OH | Shop Order |
M130 | Positive variance of machine OH | Shop Order |
M131 | Negative variance of machine OH | Shop Order |
M132 | Positive variance of labor OH | Shop Order |
M133 | Negative variance of labor OH | Shop Order |
M134 | Positive variance of subcontr OH | Shop Order |
M135 | Negative variance of subcontr OH | Shop Order |
M136 | Positive variance of general OH | Shop Order |
M137 | Negative variance of general OH | Shop Order |
M138 | Sub contract overhead cost | Shop Order |
M139 | Fixed Asset Pool - Part Acquired | Fixed Assets |
M140 | Fixed Asset Pool - Part Scrapped | Fixed Assets |
M141 | Import Fixed Asset Pool - Part Acquired | Fixed Assets |
M142 | Exchange Cost in Purchase | Purchasing |
M143 | Scrapping at Supplier | Purchasing |
M144 | Material receipt on work order | Work Order |
M145 | Positive variance of disassembly shop order | Shop Order |
M146 | Negative variance of disassembly shop order | Shop Order |
M147 | Positive variance of assembly shop order | Shop Order |
M148 | Negative variance of assembly shop order | Shop Order |
M149 | Positive variance of disposition shop order | Shop Order |
M150 | Negative variance of disposition shop order | Shop Order |
M151 | Pre-accounting Fixed Asset Pool - Part Acquired | Fixed Assets |
M152 | Return of delivery overhead | Purchasing |
M153 | Positive variance of repair shop order | Shop Order |
M154 | Negative variance of repair shop order | Shop Order |
M155 | RMA of Exchange Cost | Customer Order |
M159 | Internal Sales Revenue | Customer Order |
M160 | Internal Customer Claims | Customer Order |
M161 | Internal Purchase Debts | Customer Order |
M162 | Internal Purchase Expenses | Customer Order |
M163 | Internal Cost of Sales | Customer Order |
M164 | Internal Cost of Sales Contra | Customer Order |
M165 | Internal Cost of Sales Received from Other Sites | Customer Order |
M166 | Internal Cost of Sales Received from Other Sites Contra | Customer Order |
M178 | Contra Account, Condition Code Change | Inventory |
M179 | Decreased Material Cost at Return/Scrap for Credit to Supplier | Purchasing |
M180 | Increased Material Cost at Return/Scrap for Credit to Supplier | Purchasing |
M181 | Inventory Value Increase - Clearing Rounding Difference | Inventory |
M182 | Inventory Value Decrease - Clearing Rounding Difference | Inventory |
M183 | Contra Account, Posting Cost Group Change | Costing |
M184 | Negative Counting Difference | Inventory |
M185 | Charge Price Diff Purch, Higher Price | Purchasing |
M186 | Charge Price Diff Purch, Lower Price | Purchasing |
M187 | Purchase Charges, Inventory Parts | Purchasing |
M189 | Arrival Charges | Purchasing |
M190 | Sales Overhead | Customer Order |
M194 | Cost of Goods Sold, Sales Overhead | Customer Order |
M196 | Return/Scrap of Charges | Purchasing |
M197 | Stage Payment Inventory Material | Purchasing |
M198 | Approved Stage Payment Not Invoiced Inventory Material | Purchasing |
M199 | Stage Payment Non-Inventory Material | Purchasing |
M200 | Approved Stage Payment Not Invoiced Non-Inventory Material | Purchasing |
M201 | Clear remainder on WIP at Supplier when closing Purchase Order Line - Decrease WIP account | Purchasing |
M202 | Clear remainder on WIP at Supplier when closing Purchase Order Line - Increase WIP account | Purchasing |
M207 | Issue Parts for Work Order Repair | Work Order |
M208 | Receive Part from Work Order Repair | Work Order |
M209 | Cost of Indirect Labor | Manufacturing Standards |
M210 | Contract Account, Cost of Indirect Labor | Manufacturing Standards |
For each posting type, there are several possible control types. These are codes and system data that can be traced to the object of the post, for example, parts or customers. In posting control in the IFS/Accounting Rules module, specify the control type to control each posting type and the controlling data that corresponds to each code part value.
The control type decides which value the code string part is going to receive with each transaction. The control type is the term you use to vary posts. Control types are often terms linked to the transaction to be posted. For example, to control posting of inventory issues, you can use catalog group or inventory type. Control types are predefined for each posting type and product. Specify the control type for each posting type.
When you process control types and control type values, there are two ways of using default values. You can either use a default code part value or a fixed default value. If posting is always to be done on the same code part, enter a fixed value as the control type, and a default value that will always be used as the code part value. If you use a default code part value, the value is only used if you do not enter the control data value. You can use default values for all posting types in IFS Manufacturing and IFS Distribution.
Posting control and other settings in the IFS/Accounting Rules module control how an event is posted. There are two different ways of handling preposting in IFS Applications: mandatory preposting and preposting.
If no pre posting rules are defined, the default posting type is used for the functions, i.e., VAT free sales for customer order rows will be posted according to the M30 (VAT Free Sales) posting type.
Code string completion is used to add more parts to the code string based on the code part value. You can specify code string completion for all code parts. The code string will be supplemented with the values you enter for the other code parts linked to the code part value. For example, a certain project is connected to a certain cost center through the code string completion function.
For each posting type and code part, you must specify if code string completion should override the value that posting control has assigned the code part.
When a code string is created according to the rules above, it must be checked for information, such as validity interval. The code string is validated in the following order:
In the basic data windows in IFS/Accounting Rules, specify the validity interval of each code part.
Code part requirements indicate how other code parts in the code string may be used with an account. The requirement can be Can, Mandatory or Blocked. You enter code part requirements per account in IFS/Accounting Rules; they are default depending on the account type you specify when you enter accounts.
The rules for combination control are found in IFS/Accounting Rules. Combination controls define the combinations of code parts that are allowed or blocked per user group. It is possible for a given combination of code parts to be legal and illegal at the same time. The illegal combination is always dominant.
Errors may occur when posting and checking validations are made for a transaction. For example, a control type value may be missing, or the different sets of rules may clash. If an error occurs, the posting process stops and the result so far is stored. The superior posting record is also marked with the error. However, the transaction itself is not put on hold.
After this, you can check the incorrect postings in the Distribution and Manufacturing Postings Analysis window. Here, the Status Code column shows if the posting is incorrect or simply needs to be supplemented. The Error Description column shows what needs to be done. You can trace the inventory transaction, invoice, and operation to see what went wrong by using the right mouse button menu options.
Usually, the errors can be found in the rules for posting control, code string completion, code part requirements, or combination control, so this is where you must make changes. You cannot change the code string in the error form; you must go to the IFS/Accounting Rules module.
When you have corrected the rules, you can rerun the incorrect posting in the Rerun Erroneous Distribution and Manufacturing Postings window.