Use the aggregate competency gap analysis to view the competency profile of an organization (a collection of employees) from different perspectives depending on the purpose of the analysis. Using the result as an indicator, the company can develop better employee development programs and make more accurate recruitments.
This window consists of two main parts, which are:
1. Tab Data Source, used to define the information on the employee to be analyzed.
2. Tab Analysis Parameter, used to define the parameter/criteria to be compared to the employee specified above.
The result of the aggregate competency gap analysis will be viewed in the separate tab windows. If the analysis cannot be performed (for example, Data Source or Analysis Parameter do not have values to be compared), the result tab windows will not be displayed.
For the description of each tab in the window, follow the appropriate link: Analysis Result, Analysis by Employee, Analysis by Organization Unit, Analysis by Job, or Analysis by Competency.
The following options are available via the Operations menu or the right mouse button:
- Change Company... - Use this option to change the active company in the system. A dialog box appears from which you can select among the available companies to activate.