Engineering Part Navigator

[About Engineering Part Revisions] [To Design Standard Product]


Use this window to view, create, or change the structure of a selected part graphically. The graphical structure shown in the left pane of this window is used to view, create, or change a product structure. The structure consists of up to five types of sublevels (or nodes): part, document folder (which contains documents), functions folder (which contains functions), document, and function. Each part appears as a single line of text, which includes the part number, part revision, and part description. A plus sign to the left of this text indicates that the part has an underlying structure. To move downward through the structure, double-click a part, or click to highlight the part and then right-click and click Expand. The selected part expands and the underlying parts are shown.

Within this structure, you can:

Note: A part must be pasted on another part; a document, on a part or document folder; a function, on a part or a function folder.

You can open this window from the Navigator or by selecting Engineering Part Navigator from the Operations menu in the Engineering Part Revisions. window. Alternatively, you can right-click and then click Engineering Part Navigator on the Revision, Additional, or Consists Of tabs of the Engineering Part Revision window.

For a description of each tab in this window, follow the appropriate link: Revision (Part), Consists Of, Development Status, Documents (Part node), Doc Requirements, Manu. Part Revision, Characteristics, Characteristics Snapshot, Engineering Part, Where Used, Multilevel, Change Request, Documents (Document group node), General (Document node), Functions (Function group node), and General (Function node).

Activity Diagrams

