Employee Analysis

Employee Administration


Use this window to view and analyze employee information for a selected date. All date effective employee information will show as it is valid on the selected date. The 10 "property" fields are optional information that can be selected from the system defined and user defined property codes. The window includes salary related information if you have the right to see this information for the employees. If not, these fields are hidden.  

In the Employee Analysis Setup window, you define which of the 10 property fields to use and what data to retrieve into them. In this setup window you also chose the reference salary analysis rate. This rate lets you do a relevant salary summary and analysis even if the employees salary amounts are defined in various salary periods. 

The window will display information from your global company by default. You can use the Multi-Company Analysis right-click option to view information from all the companies to which you have access. Note: All right-click options (excluding Employee option) are disabled when multi-company mode is used.

Activity Diagrams

Query Employee Data


Analyze Employee Information