Position Assignments

[Employee Administration]


Use this window to overview position assignment information of employees. You can also create new position assignments for employees using this window. The position assignment is date controlled, making the information valid during a particular time period or until further notice. The window will display information from your global company by default. You can use the Multi-Company Analysis right-click option to view information from all the companies to which you have access. Note: All right-click options are disabled when multi-company mode is used.

The window is populated with employees with Active status. To see other employees you can use the Query function. Employees that are not assigned to positions will only be accessible in the system to users with HR Application Manager rights (persons with HR Application Manager check box selected in the Company Access window). Employees can be  assigned to multiple positions within the same period. However, there can only be one primary position for an employee for a particular time period. Also, the primary position assigned to an employee determines the default organization of the employee.

Note: The user by default doesn't have access to one's own employee information. This behavior can be changed by setting the company property SELFACCESS in the Company Details/Property tab.

Activity Diagrams

Enter New Employee
Modify Employment Related Data